Lots of Good News!

Tri-Tone Burst at the Lancaster County Art Association Open Door Exhibit June began with a great surprise! The Lancaster County Art Association awarded my piece, Tri-Tone Burst, a first place award in the 3-D category of their Open Door Exhibit. I am especially honored since this show was open to non-members from around the country. Thank you LCAA and judge, Isaac Pelepko ! In my last blog I discussed having artist's block. I managed to take my own advice and force myself to "do something". There were times that I walked into my studio with no idea what I was going to do while saying to myself "don't look at the mess" because I knew I could be distracted by cleaning up. I have learned from this experience that I could do a better job of forcing myself to work because I did have success with this process. I didn't love everything I created but I learned from what I did and solved a problem that had been bugging me. (I am trying to get aw...