To Frame or Not to Frame?

That has been the question I have struggled with for all the years I have made Paper Meditations. To be more specific, I don't like putting my art under glass for various reasons. The dilemma continues but I have learned that not putting my art in shadow box frames under glass is acceptable. In the early years of creating my three dimensional paper sculptures I believed it was necessary to frame them under glass. I assumed that to be professional it was necessary to preserve and protect my works, and I still do to some extent. It was very costly. If you know anything about professional framing, you know how expensive it is. Now imagine you have a large piece in a frame that is 3 inches deep! I realized quickly that I would be making a huge investment just for framing so I tried doing it myself. I had frames made for me by a woodworker or bought them online and I bought my own glass. I learned a lot from the experience but mostly I learned that I hate framing! It is so time con...