One Thing Leads to Another...

Looking at my recent Instagram posts, I realized that I only shared two photos in July... That is really disappointing since I was actually working on a lot! Fortunately, I have the photos to prove it. Following is a synopsis of my creative endeavors of July and a great example of how I work. I would characterize my process as one thing leads to another , and then I get DISTRACTED! First thing this month, I had fun making the Independence Day piece that you can see on Instagram . I had the patriotic paper in my stash, so I just played around with it until a star was born! I started a piece early in the month that was inspired by a photo of a flower. I had never tried to recreate a flower before, and I was excited to give it a try... but I got stuck before I even started putting it together. Here is the flower photo, the color scheme, and some elements of the piece in progress: While trying to move forward on the flower piece, I was confronted with a ...