Halloween costumes have always been important to me. As a child my mother created wonderful, elaborate costumes for me and my brothers. My costumes as The Jolly green Giant and the Statue of Liberty won awards in our local contests. (Somehow, we created our own green make-up!) It was so fun to get compliments on my mother's creations that I wanted my own kids to have that same experience. I also enjoyed the creative process so I carried on the tradition.
My two oldest children are close in age so I was usually making two costumes at the same time every October. I really enjoyed the creative challenge of finding materials and putting them together. I usually looked in goodwill stores for the basic pieces of a costume and keep adding details. I could hand stitch fabric together but I didn't have my mothers skills on a sewing machine so I relied on hot glue some of the time. My mom taught me that having a "gimmick" was key to a great costume. That meant incorporating a unique detail that would stand out. I am pretty sure some of my peers were thinking "get a life, why are you spending so much energy on this?" It was my creative outlet and therefore extremely rewarding, that's why! Here are some of my favorites from 1992 to 2012. Just in case you don't recognize some of these characters I have included photo reminders.
Remember this popular toy? Sky Dancers?
Two-Faced and The Riddler from a Batman movie.
That is Oblina from "Real Monsters" 1990'
"Toontown" internet game character
Jafar from Aladdin and Toy Solider and Cat
Slash and iPhone
Crayola Marker and Captain Hook
I hope you enjoyed my reminiscing as much as I have. It just goes to show that as an artist you find your creative outlet no matter what!
What ways do you find to express your creativity? I would love to know. Just share in the comments section.
Hope you had a great Halloween!