New Year's Resolution: Open Windows!
I am not talking about the windows in your house that let
the fresh air in! I mean windows of activities. Image a time frame in your day that you
do certain things. The first time I heard about “windows”
was from my teenage son a long time ago. He was looking for a snack to eat after dinner.
I suggested one of his favorites and he told me the “window” wasn’t open yet to
eat that particular food and that he would have it later, closer to bedtime. I
asked him to explain what he meant by “window.” I learned that it was part of a
routine that he had determined worked best for him and that he had applied
other “windows” to his day. I remember thinking to myself that having a set
time to eat something seemed a bit strict, but I didn’t dismiss the idea. It did
seem to work for him. Basically, it is having a routine that you have given
thought to and have determined works for your benefit. Recently I applied two “windows”
to my own life as part of a new year’s resolution, and I am happy with the results!
In the last few months it has been a goal of mine to spend
more time working on my art. You would think it is an easy goal since it is something
I like to do, but it's not that simple. Because there is a lot of frustration and self-doubt
in the creative process, many artists -- including myself -- find it easy to procrastinate.
We choose to “get things done” that have nothing to do with our passion. I found
myself preferring to complete household
chores before heading to my studio. Guess what? Household chores are endless! I
realized that I had to make my studio time a priority and part of a routine.
Not only was I procrastinating, but by the time I got around to
my artwork, I was tired and unfocused! The few times that I worked on my art early in the day, it was great! I
enjoyed the process much more while being fresh and it also inspired me to come
back to it later in the day. Taking note
of this was key in setting up my "windows."
My resolution was to open two "windows" in my day to work on
my art projects. Now, instead of going to the gym and finishing chores first
thing in the day, I start with 2 hours devoted to art! I can get to the gym
before lunch then spend some time on the chores. In the afternoon, another 2-hour
art "window" opens and even though I may be tired, I have more incentive to
complete what I started earlier in the day. I have found this easy resolution
has helped my focus and to meet my goals of just spending more time with my Paper
Do you have routines that you have found to be beneficial?
Would you say you employ your own "windows" to activities? I would love to hear
from you!